Speed Up YourJourney to Success

Answering these questions save you one Coaching session and greatly assist your Coach. This will help you to progress much more quickly and enable your coach to help you achieve success.

All your answers will be kept confidential between you and your coach.

Please answer the following questions as honestly and specifically as you can. It is also helpful to get into a peaceful and focused state to allow your unconscious mind to let the words flow freely.

TIP: To maximise the value of the process, simply move through the questions quickly without giving too much thought to your answers. We prefer to get your answers from your unconscious, rather than receiving consciously contrived answers.

Personal Information
Enter your personal information
Name *Required
Email *Required
Mobile / Cell Phone Number *Required
Refered By *Required
State / City *Required
Country *Required
Answer questions honestly
1. What specific outcomes do I wish to achieve from this coaching? *Required
2. What obstacles have stopped me from achieving my desired outcome(s)? *Required
3. What am I tolerating right now? *Required
4. What is the cost of my issue(s) in dollars; lost energy; pain; lost achievements; loss of a person or the love of a person? *Required
5. What is ONE thing that you could do (that you're not doing now) that if you did, would make a tremendous, positive difference in relation to your outcome(s)?
6. On reflection, is there anything you would have done differently, in the last 5 years?
7. Please answer this odd question; If you did nothing about this; what is ONE benefit to you?
8. What would be a specific measurement of the success of this coaching program? (Preferably something tangible i.e. getting a job, a new way of living, a savings plan in place, removing a negative state, etc). *Required
9. Is there anything I need to know about your physical or mental health?
10. What POSITIVE things would my friends or family say about me as a person?
11. What NEGATIVE things would my friends or family say about me as a person?
12. What's missing in my life right now?
13. In our coaching partnership, how would you like me to communicate to you? *Required
14. There are many spiritual beliefs and so that your coach is respectful; please select what best describes your deity/belief.
15. Answer this question within 15 seconds, without editing your thoughts. If you secretly knew, why you were here on Earth or what your purpose is; summarise it in one sentence.
16. On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being total commitment) – what is your commitment to helping your coach to get what you want from coaching?
17. If you were to write a book, what would it be about, or what would the title be?
18. Where did you hear about Matthew Tait Coaching? *Required
18a. Where specifically did you hear about Matthew Tait Coaching?
Would you like to leave a message for your Coach? *Required
Matthew Tait Coaching
Matthew Tait Coaching