Are you struggling to stay focussed and keep some important project front of mind.
Not staying the course, holding back and not following through?
This was me when it came to writing these very blogs, videos, and newsletters to my subscribers. The problem, I was not doing them. Certainly, with no consistency. And so I knew the cornerstone of my coaching business, marketing, awareness, showing authority, and increasing my reach needed a consistent writing practice. Even if it was 1 bad page of text per day from the many ideas floating around in my head, it was important to show myself some consistency so I could have a body fo work to start to manipulate and edit to something useful for my readers.
In previous blogs I shared the flow state where we want to make the challenge within reach to keep the motivation going. 1 page of writing each day was very achievable. But the real benefit would be that I would then learn reading my work, how to start applying the lessons of copy writing, marketing, and sales pages. None of which I knew how to do. The big issue was this habit had not yet formed to go on the journey. But I knew watching a variety of successful coaches on line, that writing to your audience, sending emails, adding to your website, creating videos for youtube, writing courses, that a regular writing practice would be the momentum for learning and growth in this critical business skill. Focus was what I needed to create this new habit to treat the writing like I did any job I have had in my life.
What helped me focus?
Accountability to a boss.
A time that I promised to show up at work with a structured time arrangement like lunch etc.
Work to do to keep a bigger purpose going, like other departments relying on your work.
The sense of responsibility.
And then it hit me from a Dr John DeMartini video I purchased years ago, I had to re wire my brain to focus by writing out an all-important benefits list.

Dr John DeMartini talks about this all the time, as does one of his famous students the late Kerwin Rae who did many videos on this topic of a benefits list. Indeed, other coaches such as Benjamine Harvey talked about the benefits list on the many live streams I had attended with his free and paid courses. And so I researched and studied the benefits list and the effect on the brain.
Put simply, if you want to bring something into focus, and lift it up your importance list of priorities in your mind and in your nervous system, then simply write out as many benefits as possible as to why this task will benefit you.
Think of something you are struggling to be consistent at you know will be good for you. Fitness, money, career, health, business. Choose 1 simple task that has many far-reaching benefits.
I will start with what are the benefits of writing each day of the year in 2025?
Now bear in mind this has many and varied impacts on growing my coaching practice which is my passion so I already know this is super important to me.
The benefits of Goal ….writing for my business every day 1 bad page of text.
- I will see myself as a consistent person.
- I will get my thoughts out of my head onto paper to review.
- I will get my thoughts more organised once out of my mind.
- The ideas written down will lead to even better thoughts and ideas.
- These ideas will lead to activities for clients.
- These activities will grow into a workshop one day in the not too distant future.
- I will be proud of myself for growth and learning how to write.
- I will have articles that can be repurposed as videos.
- I will have videos I can repurpose as emails to my email list.
- All content can be connected.
- More content for my YouTube channel to help grow my audience.
- I will grow my email list audience as I deliver them with value that solves their mindset problems.
- I will shift my identity from not a writer to I am a writer.
- Writing will lead to searching for better ways to write.
- I will be consistent with my newsletter to my email list.
- I will improve across all my content quality.
- I will pick up on better ways to deliver the message.
- I will be building online courses from this content.
- All content can be used across all platforms.
- Audience will see me as an authority and look to me for solutions across an impressive portfolio of work.
- Build trust with my audience that I know my identity content.
- Develop faster ways to help people change to what they want instead.
- Better income ideas will eventuate once demand is established of what are good ideas that people want solved.
- Writing will lead to clients having faster resolution of problems.
- I will get much satisfaction having helped people overcome their biggest fears and take action anyway.

As you can see the idea of writing every day is fast lifting my hierarchy of values list and creating a lot of energy inside me as I write. And with that this simple benefits list is so basic and easy we will rewire our minds to focus on this task, in my case writing 1 page each day, that will lead to a better life for me, my family, and my community.
I ask you now, how will you feel if you write a list of benefits 25 long like I just did. How would you feel? What would go through your mind? Would you open to smarter ideas and ways of communicating with yourself each day as you maintained focus.
Try this at home and you will be surprised when you get upto 25, 50, or even 100, how different you feel about focussing on the task at hand. In my case it is focussing on the simple business task of writing 1 page of content every day.
As you can see the benefits will light me up like a Christmas tree as I get excited about fulfilling my values of growth, of learning, of connection with my audience.
Now it is your turn.
Take one simple goal that you really want to be consistent at.
And write down a list of 100 benefits for doing this action.
Start aiming at 25, then 50, and get to 100.
I promise you you will create new neural pathways in the brain that will start to fire together and jump this task to the front of your mind. Hence the word focus, you will start to organise time slots when this task will be done, you will seek accountability, you will learn better ways, faster methods of performing this task, you will delve deeper and amaze yourself how the task of, in my case, writing is in front of mind with a little accountability.
Reach out to me and share your progress, give yourself a score out of 10 as to how motivated you are based on results so far, and then do the exercise and tell me what the score out of 10 has changed to in motivation to perform the task.
You have just become the neuro architect of your brain and nervous system. Great job.
When you start to believe in the benefits, your mind will fill with energy and motivation based on your goal being fully aligned with who you are.
Warm regards,
Matthew Tait.
Matthew Tait Coaching