In order to lead yourself, let alone lead others, we need some kind of vision, a guiding light, a future we are chasing. Some kind of purpose that is bigger than the task at hand.

This is where our brains and nervous systems are amazing. Tapping into the mindset work of Neuro Linguistic Programming and in particular Richard Bandler and Steve Andreas work with the SWISH pattern. This method emerges as a technique that can help is to fire off those ideas and thoughts that lead to a vision, not only of a new future but a vision of your future self, a future identity, a future with upgraded characteristics.
My take with this is when we shift identity , magically we align actions, behaviours, skills, beliefs, and values to support this identity.
This is useful as we speed up our change work dramatically.
And so, cultivating a new self image is about knowing your present self, and deciding what you want to grow into.
Enter the SWISH pattern. When you study the swish pattern, you can be misled by some teachers that it simply is used to change a behaviour. But is far more powerful than that. Because when you access how you store your sense of self, the swish pattern has the power to change your self-image. This is a piece of identity work. When done well can be a valuable piece to think of self in positive terms creating a compelling self-image that excites you.
There are 2 base elements to a swish.
- Image of a current problem behaviour you wish to change.
- An image of your ideal future self that you can see yourself generalised as having solved that problem.
There are a few variations but in essence the pattern is taking the problem image and swishing or replacing with the ideal self-image. The brain starts to connect the dots and fire off the ideal self automatically. Hence your unconscious does the work automatically.
From my experience with clients the first image of existing problem is easy to get because they already have the problem and usually already can see through their own eyes the problem in mind’s eye imagined when they access the memory.
The second image is where we usually do the work to set this up. Most people will always flip back to what they don’t want, instead of building what they do want. This is quite natural as our brains always avoid wasted energy. And hence away from is most of our default.
This is where we need to train our mind to build some towards images. Both of self and what you want.
Now imagine yourself. In the future. You can see yourself. Your energy is positive. You carry a certain charisma. You are well groomed. Confident look in your eyes. You know this version of you have solved the problems of the past. They are smarter because that have practice and overcome their problems. They have had some wins. Learnt valuable lessons. Notice this image. How far in front of you is this picture when you close your eyes? Bring the image closer. Make the image bigger. Make the image panoramic. Make the image high-definition colour. Seeing yourself like observing yourself being awesome. What is the feeling inside? Name the feeling inadequate your body when you see your future self. What colour is the feeling? What shape is the feeling? Make the shape 2x bigger in your body.
What do you feel about this image now? Does it seem more real?
This is the work I do 1 on 1 with people to ensure the swish, or swapping of images, works very well, and utilises the new identity to generalise across the person’s life.
Once an ideal image of self is constructed inside, then we can use a few methods to swap them out.
This technique is visual. So, if someone is more feeling (kinaesthetic) then there are work around and other options. Similar if someone has auditory memories. For now, let’s focus on visual.
The swish is simple,
Step 1
take image 1 problem habit, close your eyes, and imagine that image in the middle and in front of your eyes in your mind’s eye.
Step 2
Now next to that imagine your image 2 ideal self, small and dark bottom right, place it using your mind’s eye bottom right.
Step 3
The action is simple, to swish, swap the images, image 1 problem shrinks down bottom left to a small dot off screen, and simultaneously image to grows from small dot to a large image centre of your eyes in front replacing the whole visual field.
This is then repeated 5 to 10 times with a break state between each swish. To avoid yoyo effect of bringing the problem image back we need the break. I like to imagine a blank whiteboard in between each swap or swish.
The brain then starts to connect the problem habit with a self that doesn’t do that habit, the ideal self.
The feelings of a different identity start to be felt, and the old habit feels off compared to this new identity.
In 25 minutes, we can have a significant impact on emotions and self-image. And with some coaching on the area of focus, accountability, measurements, focus can shift a person significantly to empowered action.
Once learnt a person can swish a better sense of self any time they want. In just a few minutes you can open your mind to a better self-image.
This is a fantastic tool to become skilful in your own mindset. We started with vision and leadership. With a vision of your future self, you can start acting differently today as you lead yourself to a better future.
Warm regards,
Matthew Tait.