One thing we all know is the usual SMART goals being specific, measured, attainable, realistic or relevant and time focussed. Or a very close variation.
But we forget to check in with 2 main points.
Values and Ecology

- Values. Is this what we really want? Or is it for someone else, a group or even society? This is where a values check is super helpful.
- Ecology. Is this ging to work with your life? Will it impact someone or something negatively? And is there a balance or trade off to be made.
These 2 points will both increase motivation and reduce resistance.
For example this year am creating the habit of writing for my coaching business. Each day write 1 page of content. Keeping my goal specific and measurable, relative to building my practice and content, it is certainly attainable, as all I need is to do 1 page per day.
Here is where we begin to check if the goal is well formed. Do I really want this goal? First step is to be checking my values and is the goal aligned. My answer is yes indeed as coaching lights me up, gives me growth, helps others and sits very well with my highest self.
The ecology check was first a concern if I was interfering with family, partner, lack of time. But 1 page was quite easy and a form of a diary getting ideas out of my head and more organised.
This was an idea that when stuck to was going to both fullfill my value or growth and learning, as well as keeping my ecology or life running smoothly.
Quite simply time spent scrolling was now spent writing something useful to help me help my clients and help anyone who reads the article.
I hope these 2 ponts help with your goal setting from the NLP well formed outcome.
- Check if goal is aligned with your values. And
- Check if your goal works with your ecology (your life).
And adjust your goal accordingly.
Life is a series of trade offs you can make conscious instead of unconsciously reading. We can decide what fits best to keep us moving forward.
I wish you well in chasing your goals.
Warm regards, Matthew Tait.